Evidence: Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum

The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum is a historic psychiatric hospital located in Weston, West Virginia, USA. It was originally constructed between 1858 and 1881 and was designed by architect Richard Andrews. The asylum was initially intended to house 250 patients and was part of a reform movement to provide humane treatment for individuals with mental illnesses.

The architecture of the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum is a notable example of the Kirkbride Plan, a design philosophy that emphasized natural light, fresh air, and a peaceful environment to promote the well-being of patients. The facility’s main building is a massive Gothic-style structure with distinctive features, including its long wings extending from a central administrative core.

Over the years, the asylum underwent various changes and expansions, reaching its peak capacity in the mid-20th century with over 2,400 patients. The institution faced challenges related to overcrowding and changing approaches to mental health treatment. As psychiatric practices evolved, the need for large-scale mental institutions diminished, leading to the closure of the asylum in 1994.

In recent years, the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum has gained recognition for its historical significance and architectural beauty. The facility is now open to the public for tours, events, and paranormal investigations. It stands as a reminder of the history of mental health care in the United States and the changing perspectives on the treatment of individuals with mental illnesses.

Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, Weston, West Virginia

At about the 9 second mark, you can hear what sounds like a woman moaning or “singing” over the background voices.

The sounds are what we think are a piece of furniture or something being moved around. A recorder was closer to the sound than the investigators, but they could hear it and asked if it could be moved again.

Four team members were at the landing of the stairs on the second floor. You can hear them talking in the distance. A recorder was placed on the floor in another hallway when this voice was captured near the recorder.

When sitting just down the hall from an old nurse’s station high heels can be heard coming towards the investigators.

When asked to come out and touch one of the greenlights an investigator hears a “No” in response.

The question was posed of “Are you hiding?” and off in the distance we hear a moan.

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