Home & Business Investigations

If you’re already experiencing unusual activity, the idea of having a paranormal investigation crew visit your home might raise a whole, new set of questions for you. And that’s the last thing with which you probably need to concern yourself.

Coming soon to this page will be a step-by-step explanation of how a home investigation is conducted, from initial contact with DSGI to wrapping the case after our visit. Through words and photos, we’ll be showing you exactly what you can expect, from the equipment we bring to how we conduct ourselves, from what forms we each need to fill out to addressing your personal, confidentiality concerns. But we can answer the first question we’re usually asked right now:

DSGI does NOT charge clients to conduct paranormal investigations, either public or private.

We are a non-profit organization.
If you are experiencing what you believe to be paranormal activity in your home or place of business, please contact us at dsgihauntline@gmail.com, visit our Facebook page and message us at http://www.facebook.com/DiamondStateGhostInvestigators, or call (302) 468-7639. We’re here to help!

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